A film by Harold Monfils, India/Indonesia/Maldives/Myanmar/Sri Lanka/Thailand, 2007, 67 min.
Original version.

Musicians of the Laya Project are members of neighboring coastal communities to the regions affected by the 2004 tsunami in Sri Lanka, Thailand, Indonesia, Maldives, Myanmar and India. The film shows traditional and regional music groups in the paradisiac places; post-production is impeccable. It shows a visual and musical journey that crosses borders, but concerns itself with preserving the original music of each land. Some of these performances are rare, and were documented for the first time.

The Laya Project is a personal and collective tribute to the human spirit. It was dedicated to the survivors of the Asian tsunami.
13.10 _ 18:30 _ CHM
16.10 _ 15:00 _ Usina 4